Terms and Conditions

Myinfiniteideas has a complete set of conditions for all the users of Myinfiniteideas services, and you have to agree to comply with this set of rules and conditions upon signing up for Myinfiniteideas contract. This set of conditions and rules is known as terms of use. The basic purpose of the terms of conditions is to make sure clients are following Myinfiniteideas terms of use with due regards to the rights of other internet users and in accordance with the requirements of Myinfiniteideas network environment. Myinfiniteideas has whole sole rights to add, delete, or modify any service of its terms of use anytime without any notice, effective immediately, and they will be posted at www.myinfiniteideas.com or notified through a notification. These terms of use are very reasonable. If you want to launch complaint about a client’s breach of the terms of use, send it to support@myinfiniteideas.com.

These are the fundamental points of term of use and cannot be altered except Myinfiniteideas. give the consent, whether written, oral, by conduct, or otherwise.

We Myinfiniteideas never cumulate any information i.e. personal data after pondering and our Website, information on the Website/ or our Services are not available for children under the age of eighteen (18) years.

We bestow the services/products for embodiment of research or reference intentions only to use privately. We are not responsible for the ineffectiveness to learn the statistics covered in the assignment.

Our website clasp on to the right to delete any content for any reason and at any time, without prior notice or warning. You should not take the content to be conceded, posted on the website. The feedback is only contemplated as a piece of guidance, and they may not specifically or completely answer your question.

All the content on the Website, the trademarks, service marks and logos used on the Site are chartered /licensed to Myinfiniteideas and are subject to copyright and other cognitive property rights under United States and foreign laws and international conventions. Myinfiniteideas reserves all the rights granted in and to the Site and the Materials. In case you download or print a copy of the Materials for your own personal use, you must preserve all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in and on the material. You agree you will not evade, disable or otherwise obstruct security related features of the Site or attributes that retain or restrict use or copying of any Materials or execute limitations on use of the Site. You additionally agree not to access the Site by any means other than through the links that the Myinfiniteideas provides, unless otherwise strictly authorized by use in a separate written agreement.

You further give your consent that under no circumstances will you submit any materials purchased through or from Myinfiniteideas to any educational, testing or teaching institution, claiming the materials to be of your own construction.

The company should not be held blameworthy for any direct or indirect cost associated with the client’s choice to use the services of the Myinfiniteideas.

You are subjected for all uses of your account, your user name and password, whether or not actually or expressly authorized by you.

Risk of Reversals, Chargebacks and Claims:

The service/products are non-repayable and come with no warranties, expressed or inferred.

In specific cases, the company may provide a refund to the client’s bank/PayPal account at its own disposition. For e.g. we will return 100% money-back if we are unable to find a suitable department for your work, and will escort our written notice to that effect.


Myinfiniteideas anxious about the privacy of on-line communications and Websites. By and large, the internet is neither more nor less secure than other means of communication, like mail, facsimile, and voice telephone service, all of which can be intercepted and otherwise compromised. As a matter of caution, however, Myinfiniteideas urges its clients to assume that all of their online communications are insecure. Myinfiniteideas cannot take any responsibility for the security of information broadcast over Myinfiniteideas’ facilities. Additional details and on privacy and Myinfiniteideas’ use of client information can be found in Myinfiniteideas Privacy Statement located under Privacy Policy.

Client Responsibility

Clients are required to use the Myinfiniteideas network with responsibility. It means respecting the other clients of Myinfiniteidea. Myinfiniteideas retains the right to discontinue and/ or cancel service with any other client who uses the Myinfiniteideas network in such a way that disastrously affects other Myinfiniteideas clients. Myinfiniteideas may monitor its services electronically to ascertain that its facilities are operating satisfactorily, as a general practice, Myinfiniteideas does not observe its clients’ communications or activities to determine that its facilities are operating in compliance with the term of use. But if it comes to Myinfiniteideas notice about any violation of the terms of use or other user agreements, Myinfiniteideas may take action to stop or correct such violations, including but not limited to, denying access to Myinfiniteideas services and equipment or to the internet.

Additionally, Myinfiniteideas may take action against a client or a client of such client because of the activities of such client. Myinfiniteideas expects that clients who are offered internet services will cooperate with Myinfiniteideas in any restorative or preventive action that Myinfiniteideas consider necessary. Failure to cooperate with such restorative or preventive measures is a breach of Myinfiniteideas policy and Myinfiniteideas reserves the right to take any such action even though such action may affect other clients of Myinfiniteideas.

Actions Taken by Myinfiniteideas Against the Violation of Terms of Use

The failure to follow or meet any of the terms of use by the client results in account deactivation. Myinfiniteideas will be the sole authority as to what constitutes a breach of the terms of use. Myinfiniteideas reserves the right to remove any account without prior notice and to refuse service to anyone at any time. An investigation will be initiated by Myinfiniteideas, if it come to know of an alleged breach of its terms of use. During the investigation Myinfiniteideas may restrict a client’s access in order to prevent further unauthorized activity. Depending on the severity of the violation, Myinfiniteideas may, as its solitary discretion, restrict, suspend, or terminate a client’s Web hosting account and/ or seek other civil remedies. If the breach is of a criminal offense, Myinfiniteideas will notify the relevant law enforcement authorities of such breach. An unlisted activity may also be considered as a violation of terms of use if it is illegal, irresponsible, or found disruptive use of the internet. Myinfiniteideas does not issue outages happened through service disablement resulting from terms of use breaches. Violators of the policy are responsible, without limitations, for the cost of labour to repair any damage done to the operation of the network and business operations supported by the network, and to respond to complaints suffered by Myinfiniteideas.


Myinfiniteideas clients consent to protect, defend, hold harmless, and indemnify Myinfiniteideas, any third party organization and related to Myinfiniteideas (including without limitations, third party vendor), and Myinfiniteideas’ executives, directors, officers, attorneys, managers, employees, consultants, contractors, agents, parent companies, subsidiaries and co-subsidiaries with the same with the same parent company as Myinfiniteideas from and against any and all accountabilities, losses, costs, judgements, damages, claims, or causes of actions, including, without limitation, any and all legal fees and expenses, arising out of or resulting in any from the client’s use of Myinfiniteideas services.


The Myinfiniteideas service is granted on an is, as available basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of marketability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-observance. Myinfiniteideas clearly disclaims any representation or warranty that Myinfiniteideas service will be free of errors, secure or uninterrupted. No verbal advice or written information given by Muinfiniteideas.com, its employees, licensors or the like, will create a warranty; nor may you rely on such information or advice.

Myinfiniteideas and its partners and suppliers will not be responsible for any cost or damage arising either directly or indirectly from any transaction or use of the service. Termination of Bankruptcy or insolvency if a customer becomes insolvent or any petition is filed by the client, or any third party against the client, Myinfiniteideas may immediately terminate provision of Myinfiniteideas’ services to the customer without prior notice or penalty, such clients approves to the grant of relief from any automatic stay of proceedings against Myinfiniteideas in such event.

Limitation of Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event, and under no theory of law or equity, will Myinfiniteideas (including, without limitation, Myinfiniteideas executives, directors, officers, attorneys, managers, employees, consultants, contractors, agents, parent companies, subsidiaries, co-subsidiaries with the same parent company as Myinfiniteideas, affiliates, third-party providers, merchants, licensors, or the like) or anyone else involved in creating, producing or distributing Myinfiniteideas services, be liable for the loss of a domain name, or any business or personal loss, revenues decrease, expenses increase, costs of substitute products and/or Myinfiniteideas services, or any other loss or damage whatsoever, or for any consequential, special, incidental, punitive or indirect damages of any kind arising out of any use of , or any inability to use, any Myinfiniteideas services even if Myinfiniteideas has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Myinfiniteideas total cumulative liability, if any, to client, or any third party, for any and all damages, related to the terms of use or Myinfiniteideas services, including, without limitation, those from any negligence, any act or omission by Myinfiniteideas or Myinfiniteideas representatives, or under any other theory of law or equity, will be limited to, and will not exceed, the actual dollar amount paid by the client for the services which gave rise to such damages, losses and causes of actions during the 3-month period prior to the date the damage or loss occurred or the cause of action arose.


Myinfiniteideas may suspend, upgrade, replace, modify or change in any way, without limitation, any software, application, program, data, hardware, equipment, or portions, or components thereof, used to provide clients with Myinfiniteideas services. Specific changes to Myinfiniteideas services may affect the operation of client’s personalized applications and content. Each client is solely responsible, and Myinfiniteideas is not liable, for any and all such personalized applications and content, except as distinctly agreed to by Myinfiniteideas.

Backup of Data

Muinfiniteideas.com is in no way responsible, for the management and backup of all client’s data, and all updates, upgrades, and patches to any software that clients use in relation to Myinfiniteideas services, except where Myinfiniteideas has clearly agreed in writing to the conflicting, clients are entirely and completely responsible.

Third Party Licenses

Myinfiniteideas generates a reasonable effort to provide clients with technologies, developments, and innovations (collectively “technologies”), part of which may be licenced, or co-brand, from or by, third party structures. However, Myinfiniteideas promise no warranty of any kind, either express or implied, regarding the quality, accuracy, reliability, validity, or continued existence of any or all aspects of such technologies. Furthermore, Myinfiniteideas particularly disclaims all warranties of merchantability and fitness for a specific purpose for such technologies.

In addition, no client will hold Myinfiniteideas accountable in any way for the revocation of any license, which has been licenced to Myinfiniteideas. The use of the technologies obtained from or through Myinfiniteideas, or any other referred third party, whether directly or indirectly, is at the sole risk of clients.

Myinfiniteideas Intellectual Property

Clients will not be allowed to copy, reproduce, publish, or otherwise use any material, in whole or in part, that is located on Myinfiniteideas’ website, without Myinfiniteideas written agreement. Clients will not use any of Myinfiniteideas’ trademarks, service marks, copyrighted materials, or other intellectual property without Myinfiniteideas exact written agreement. Clients will not, in any way, misrepresent their relationship with Myinfiniteideas, attempt to pass themselves off as Myinfiniteideas, or claim that clients are Myinfiniteideas.


Clients are not allowed to assign or delegate their rights or obligations under the terms of use or other agreement for Myinfiniteideas services, either completely or in part, without the prior written consent of Myinfiniteideas.

Minimum Age Requirement

Myinfiniteideas clients should be at least 18 years of age. Minors (under 18 years of age) must have a parent or guardian accept the terms of use to become a Myinfiniteideas client. A parent or guardian who accept the terms of use on behalf of a minor will be solely responsible for ensuring complete and proper compliance with the terms of use, including timely and full payment of the charges for Myinfiniteideas services, and this liability will continue even when the minor has attained the age of 18, unless the parent or guardian obtains Myinfiniteideas written consent to the contrary. Any acceptance of the terms of use or any other agreement for Myinfiniteideas services will be considered invalid and ineffective to the extent that Myinfiniteideas will not be liable in any way as a result of the minor’s age or legal inability or the minor’s use of Myinfiniteideas.

Force Majeure

Myinfiniteideas will not be responsible for delays in its performance of the terms of use or Myinfiniteideas services caused by circumstances beyond Myinfiniteideas’ control, including acts of God, wars, revolution, civil commotions, riots, national or natural disasters, earthquakes, strikes, fires, floods, water damage, explosions, shortage of labour and materials, labour disputes, transportation problems, accidents, embargoes, or governmental restrictions mutually “Force Majeure”. Myinfiniteideas will make rational efforts to reduce to a minimum and diminish the effect of any Force Majeure. Nevertheless anything contained elsewhere herein, lack of finances will not be considered an event of Force Majeure nor will any event of Force Majeure call off any obligation of clients for the payment of money due.

Independent Contractor

Nothing in this agreement will be elucidated as creating a partnership or relationship of employer and employee, principal and agent, partnership or joint venture between Myinfiniteideas and its clients. Each of Myinfiniteideas and its clients will be deemed an independent contractor whole times and will have no right or authority to accept or create any commitment on behalf of the other, except as may be precisely provided herein.

Construction and Interpretation

Wherever in this terms of use the masculine, feminine, or neuter gender is used, it will be interpreted as including all genders, and wherever the singular is used, it will be understood to include the plural and vice versa, where the context so requires. The division of the terms of use segmenting/ paragraphs, and the positioning of headings/captions, are for benefit of reference only and will not affect the fabrication or interpretation of the terms of use. Any rule of construction to the effect that an uncertainty is to be resolved against the devising party will not be applicable in the establishment or interpretation of the terms of use.

Complete Agreement and Exclusivity

The terms of conditions, and/or any precise agreement for Myinfiniteideas services, compose complete understanding and agreement between Myinfiniteideas and its clients. Except when distinctly agreed to the contrary in signed writing by an authorized representative of Myinfiniteideas, the terms of use replaces any other written (including digitized/ computerized) agreement, and/or agreement by conduct. This terms of use, and/or any other specific agreement for Myinfiniteideas services is between Myinfiniteideas and its clients only and will not consult any rights in any third party except as otherwise expressly provided by Myinfiniteideas.

Myinfiniteideas Customer Billing Policy

Here are the terms of use that create Myinfiniteideas Billing Policy and apply to all Myinfiniteideas clients.

Billing Cycles (Terms)

Myinfiniteideas propose one Billing Cycles (terms) for hosting charges: yearly (12 Months). The Billing Cycle starts on the Plan Activation Date. Distributors are limited to the monthly Billing Cycle for all of their chargers. Non-credit card payment methods are restricted to Annual or Quarterly Billing Cycles. You can choose to change your Billing Cycle at any time; however, the new Billing Cycle will only take effect at the time of the next plan renewal. All additional features added to an account are charged monthly or as cost schedules in specific proposals. Additional items are non-refundable.

30-Days Money Back Guarantee

Each of Myinfiniteideas shared hosting plans supports a 30-days unconditional money back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with our services or support within the first 30-days, you will be given a full refund of the fees paid in advance (excluding setup charges) upon plan cancellation. The following services are not included in the money back guarantee: additional items and services; domain name registration; dedicated servers; items and services ordered through the reseller program; domain parking plus; and overage fees.

Refund Policy

Refunds are only available in agreement with the 30 day money back guarantee. Refunds will be furnished in the same payment method of the original payment. There will be no refunds after 30 days.

Billing/Price Changes

Myinfiniteideas policies and prices are subject to change without prior notice. Any price change becomes effective in the next billing cycle.